
Quatrefoil Strawberry/Vanilla

This design is inspired by a design created by MissJenFabulous (see here), so all the credit goes to her. However, I didn’t feel like using the colours black and silver, like she did, so I decided to change things up a bit. I added some glitter as well, just for good measure.
Here are some pictures of the design, showing several stages of the process. It is not as difficult as it looks, basically just a lot of dots!


It’s funny how an originally Christian symbol can be used for something as frivolous as nail polish. Although, maybe it actually makes the use of nail polish more of an art. Anyway, the quatrefoil obviously depicts four overlapping circles, creating four leaves. It has mainly been used in Renaissance architecture. Take a look at, for instance, Ghiberti’s 15th-century bronze panel that he sent in for the competition for the door panels of the Florentine Baptistery. Usually, the quatrefoil symbol represents the four evangelists. But of course, today we associate this shape with the four-leaf clover!

The red colour I used is a recently acquired Essie polish, called In Stitches. The shade really makes me think of homemade strawberry ice cream! Together with Limecrime’s Milky Ways, the colours make a perfect strawberry-vanilla dessert 😀

This is what the finished design looks like in the sunlight!

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